Flight Booking

Flight Booking

per flight

For the safety of our babies, flight booking information should be provided no less than 30 days in advance* if you're interested in shipping. We ship through Delta from Gainesville Airport, and there are some airline requirements that you should be aware of, as well as our own requirements. 

Currently, there is a flight fee of $170, which is required in advance to get the best booking date and time. This fee is refundable two (2) weeks before booking and is a separate fee from the baby deposit.

Please see additional details required below.

We will need the following information:

  1. Your Airport Code and Airport address
  2. Your full name and current address as shown on your Driver's license (Delta requires ID for cargo pick-up so we need to provide them this exact information as well)
  3. Average temperature during the week you're wanting your baby to fly. Delta requires under 80° throughout the entire flight. For example, if you're located in Tennessee, the temperature between Central Florida and Tennessee needs to maintain under 80° throughout the entire flight. This is also crucial for potential transfer flights and layovers which happens a lot at the Atlanta Georgia hub and is beyond our control.
  4. Requested day and time pick-up (example; Saturday morning or Thursday evening). We will do our best to meet your flight request depending on weather, Delta flight issues or business restrictions.

The flat fee is $170.00 and includes a custom built, heavy duty shipping crate and baby food which is sufficient for 24 hours worth of nutrients. 

* While shipping via air is generally not an issue and Delta Airlines takes upmost care of all cargo animals on board (including other sensitive animals such as reptiles, amphibians and fish), new environments will always be stressful to animals no matter how well adjusted and domesticated they are. Your baby may be too scared to eat and may accidentally harm themselves in their crate. We cannot guarantee arrival conditions of your baby at final destination. We can only guarantee their condition upon departure of our Aviary in Ocala, Florida. Please consider all the details and research thoroughly prior to selecting air travel as a delivery option and reach out to discuss any other concerns. 

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